Snow Ghosts – A Quiet Ritual

Eerie and beautiful. Couldn’t say whether it’s electronic or not, totally not the appropriate attribute to address this music. I feel some resemblence of Björk, Portishead, and Lamb, but not so much because of the musical style but rather that it has depth filled with meaning and weight. It’s almost not about the music specifically but the attention put into creating these songs and the feelings they invoke.

Also: “recorded in a castle in the countryside and two years in the making”. Both I can hear coming through.

PS: I just realized that Houndstooth is one of my favorite labels.

Throwing Snow – Mosaic

After last year’s Loma I am traveling backwards in the Throwing Snow discography, and it’s a great trip. At this album I’m stuck for a while now, I keep re-listening it and it just doesn’t clear from my Listen Next playlist. It gives me the goosebumps at certain points, has magical moods, it’s like electronic music with a soul. It’s like Apparat with a more firm grip on the beats, little more weight on sounds, doesn’t take so much care to take all steps with a soft feet. I imagine a creature sliding on ice; it runs to gain impetus, starts off with a quick and light slide, then jumps to feet ending in metal hoofs and slams it on the ice, carving a streak but still moving forward like it was unstoppable.

Throwing Snow – Loma

First got hooked on this one when I was looking for something with broken beats and jungle rhythms, and I was happy to find this record. But then there are quite some flavors of electronics piled up here, all pretty much good flavors.

Guy Andrews – Our Spaces

Experimenting around electronics this album is heavy, atmospheric, deep, powerful. Has a certain world-creating feel to it like that of the Fuck Buttons, but with certain patches of softness, like a caring god touch the void with hands able to destroy yet also create tender lives.

Call Super a Fabric alá tartozó Houndstooth-nál debütál a Suzi Ecto című nagylemezzel, amit jellemzően technózni szokás, de ennél szerintem sokszínűbb dologról van szó. Amikor techno, akkor az ipari zörejek és füstös szőnyegek találkoznak a dubos lüktetéssel, de valamikor meg tengerhangos-csilingelős ambient visszhangosan suttogott szavakkal. Csendes és megnyugtató mint egy párkányon kopogó áztató eső. Összességében szerintem ez is IDM, ennél specifikusabb nem lennék. Amúgy kellemes nagyon, melóhoz és esti chillezéshez is.