First half of the record is amazing downtempo glitchy electronics with beautiful melodies and ethereal vocals. It shows both band members at their best, Dave Harrington and Nicolas Jarr sound like mixing up Apparat and Bonobo, especially on the more hook-heavy primary single track, The Limit. Then the second half of the record gradually goes into more indie influences, ambient jammings, and audibly auto-tuned vocals that I don’t appreciate. It’s a bummer but overall the album delivers some strong singles still.
Frank Turner – Campfire Punkrock
It is one track actually: Thatcher Fucked the Kids.
Btw, I just realized that Thatcher reads “that Cher”. Yea, she fucked the kids, too.
Hauschka – Abandoned City
I am not sure where I came across Hauschka but I somehow stumbled upon this album from last year and got quite carried away. Although Volker Bertelmann is a pianist his arrangements deliver much more than just nice piano pieces. If judged through my glasses of electronic music I would say it is some sort of acoustic techno and very much reminds me of the Brandt Brauer Frick.
Update: other material of Hauschka seems to be awesome, too. After the second album (Salon Des Amateurs) I’ve just added his full catalog to my playlist and I’m not afraid to listen through it all.
Brooklynból jön az Opal Onyx, ketten vannak, akusztikus hangszereken játszanak csendesen, a lány pedig énekel. Kicsit sötét, kicsit misztikus, de igazából sok mindenhez lehet hasonlítani, erős stílusjegyekkel bíró, melankolikus újféle folk. Viszont nagyon szép. A 42 perc elsőre el is szaladt, újrahallgatom.
És hát ez a borító, erre felkaptam a fejem. Nem biztos, hogy értem, mit látok, de nagyon tetszik.