I have another case of Moon on my hands when I listen to the soundtrack album a million times before seeing the movie. This is the best original score by Reznor and Ross since The Social Network, by far. The mixed version is also a blast.
Memory keeper. Mostly music and movies, plus some series and video games. Obscure darkness meets pop culture glow.
I have another case of Moon on my hands when I listen to the soundtrack album a million times before seeing the movie. This is the best original score by Reznor and Ross since The Social Network, by far. The mixed version is also a blast.
Making a note for this amazing soundtrack music for any kind of enchanted adventuring actvities.
This is a soundtrack album to a pretty dark and grim comic book series, consisting of all original songs. I just want to taste this sentence for a little while and think about how awesome that is. And then start listing that collaborators include Mastodon, Rise Against, HEALTH, Chino Moreno, Greg Puciato, Chelsea Wolfe, just to name those closest to me. This is pretty rad.
I’ve been listening to this back and forth for a whole day and this is so beautiful. Peaceful ambient to calm and comfort. I love how Floex can transform his wonderful clarinet-based tunes to any instrumentation but still you find his soul in everything he creates.
Another one of those soundtracks that get me to watch a movie. Otherwise I’d probably pass on another film starring Barry Keoghan. But the music is another hit home by Benjamin John Power, he has never let me down so far. Tense, dark, full of stress, from ambient to pumping industrial electronics. I can hear those pictures of unease and emptiness, then running and fighting, I want to see that editing that’s based on these rhythms and sounds. I’d love to play it too, if this was a game soundtrack.
This movie has been on my radar and watch list for such a long time and randomly came across its soundtrack now, which just emphasized that I have to see this. Mysterious and eerie ambient, and also retro futuristic synthwave done right. Just listening to it visualizes the neon lights blinking through the mist in the thick forest at night. I love this atmosphere and aesthetic so very much.
The last time I listened to a soundtrack so many times before watching a movie was The Moon where I had already known all the cues by the time of actually connecting the sounds to visual images. But that was fun! Btw the other movie of Panos Cosmatos (Mandy) I have seen and it was hilarious and fascinating at the same time. So looking forward to Beyond The Black Rainbow, too.
Dark drone ambient. I wasn’t interested in this movie at all, but if this is the soundtrack (wtf?) I should really give it a shot.
And another great synthwave game OST, like they’re flocking.
This is the best piece of retro futuristic synthwave record I heard in a while. I haven’t played the game yet, but definitely makes me want to.
The most surprising movie of 2018 for sure. It was surrealistic, completely mindfuck, unexpected, and a great experience as a flick. Also made a well articulated point as social narrative.
On a different note: I haven’t heard of The Coup before. WTF?! It is a perfect friend of everything RATM, and I know Street Sweeper Social Club well, so I know the voice of Boots Riley just fine. I just haven’t heard of his original band before. So now I’m on a Coup listening spree, obviously. Although I haven’t really got through re-listening the movie soundtrack several times.
Another note: Tessa Thompson. I’m just getting into her so much. (Mean this the right way.) I first came across her in Westworld – great character, first seldom enough appearances to be mystical, then when being more active another kind of mystique. In Thor she was badass. In Annihilation she was not a driving force but another mystery not fully explored or explained. So maybe this is her thing. And this is our thing (as audience) with her. She is casted well and always had this mystical vibe around her so far. And this time again the artsy girlfriend character with her kinks and girl next door attitude. Hit home.