African world music meets afro-futurism. The essence of this tradicional instruments meet booty shake electronics shows well in the track Sohaa Gb3k3 – that’s a favorite, hilarious but in a good way.
Memory keeper. Mostly music and movies, plus some series and video games. Obscure darkness meets pop culture glow.
African world music meets afro-futurism. The essence of this tradicional instruments meet booty shake electronics shows well in the track Sohaa Gb3k3 – that’s a favorite, hilarious but in a good way.
I came accross a bunch of artists opening up the whole Afro-Caribbean electronic music scene for me. Africa meets Latin-America on the club dancefloor. Funny thing, what made me discover all these artists were their spectactular album covers that I just kept clicking.
Ghetto Kumbé – Soy Selva
Nación Ekeko – La Danza
King Coya – Tierra de King Coya
Dengue Dengue Dengue – Son de los Diablos
Hihetetlen, hogy ez a Nozinja-féle Tsekeleke olyan, hogy elsőre nem is értem, aztán meg már nem tudom elűzni a fülemből. A videó meg aztán…